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What is EMDR?

EMDR is a remarkably powerful psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective in the treatment of trauma and adverse life experiences.  

Bessel Van der Kolk,  an eminent psychiatrist specializing in trauma, likens EMDR to an expectorant of the mind. To change the metaphor again, the “old stuff” that is causing symptoms and bogging down the client is released and “new learning” and “new connections” come onboard resulting in improved functioning.

What Kind of Problems can EMDR Treat?

EMDR has been clinically proven to accelerate the treatment of a wide range of problems and self-esteem issues related both to disturbing past traumatic events and present life conditions.  This interactive approach has been empirically tested with clients who have experienced a broad range of disturbing life experiences, including accidents, loss of a job or a loved one, rape, sexual molestation, and exposure to combat and natural disasters.  EMDR is also used to treat relationship problems and self-esteem issues as well as anxiety, depression, complicated grief reactions, and phobias.  It can also alleviate performance anxiety at work, on the playing field and in the performing arts.

Introduction to EMDR therapy video

Courtesy of EMDR International Association